اسماعیل بوردشاهیان

نویسنده، مترجم، پژوهشگر

پارسی English

Ethnic Genealogy and National Survival

It is not long that the European Community has com to Existence and in threshold of the third millennium, criteria like development of mass media, Communication means and cultural and environmental necessities approach in a progressive way towards unity and maybe in near future, global family find it's real identity in a cultural and unified aspect including the cultures of the whole people.

But arisen issues from the body of cultures and history, life styles and their provisions in diverse societies, have ended into a kind of typical intricacy and confusion that leads us to an important question; i.e. in the light of issues at stake, like regional, ethnic, intellectual, religious, economical and cultural points, how will the situation of the people in a more unified world be?

Among existing problems, I can mention to some, Like; failiour of some nation in attaining to their national identiy and independence, non-acceptance of some nations by the others, plentiful differentiation among languages, cultural and national identities, economical exchanges and land problems which all have caused solitude, immigration or even deletion of nation and sometimes unfortunately regional war.

I can also refer to problems like: population, flow of

Young people to work place and social-existential activities,

Tendency of the young generation for global unity and finally threat, decline and negligence of regional and national cultures.

In this regard, some question are being brought up, questions like: How will the condition of different nations be, especially aged societies that live with a set of old and ancient set of beliefs and in such a recently unified and change-prone world? Will they be able to carry on their lives and survive? How will the condition of their cultural metamorphosis? Will they be able to continue lives or they may extinct?

Based on above mentioned thought and motivation I initiated a wide spread study on the aged and ancient societies of the area i.e. Azeri, Assyrian, Armenian, Kurdish, Jewish, Georgian, and Turkish nations, which live in middle Asia; a very sensitive zone located between the Black sea and Caspian sea.

The First phase of the research

I adopted a direct, extensive observation in three condition and views of historical analysis and time span-past, present , and future. I have managed a complex and intensive study and analysis since 1997 on the following issues by co-operation of a large group of researchers, scholars and students of different humanitarian sciences; like sociology, history, cutlery, and civilization, art, architecture and linguistics.

Historical analysis of life style changing rhythm

This section includes : concentration on modern thinking, culture and the societies' fate and special focus on their related social-ethnic confusion and rising important questions about their Future and historical passage in the third millennium.


Driven results from the first phase of the research were magnificent-related to their ethnic, cultural, historical, linguistic, social movement, and important facts of cohesion and ethic-cultural common points of each nation (Azeri, Assyrian, Armenian, Kurdish, Kalimi (Jewish), Georgian, and Turkish nation) underwent a complete, vast analysis and investigation and they were compiled in a detailed and subtle essay. A summery of the first phase of the research a bout life, cohesion, national survival and the prospect of the regional nations is as follows:

a) special problems of each nation were:

1) Ethnic specifications

2) Language

3) Religion

4) Culture

5) Land (Certain geographical)

6) Ethnic prosperity and longing

b) common points among the whole nations were:

1) Nationality, national identity

2) Common history

3) Common land

4) Common Culture

5) Common national Language

6) Common history and life

C) Involving factors in nations' separateness.

1)ethnic crisis

2) Ethnic Languages

3)Religions and sects

4) Population condition

5) Possession of a certain and independent Land

6) Historical concerns and circumstances

7) Majority or minority feeling

Considering the above mentioned important points' effects on life, survival and specially prevailing cohesion or tension among the regional nations, and the progressive increase in population and sharp growth of young population of the nations in the threshold of the third millennium, and also communication means' widespread and progressive growth; to my opinion, people of some nations suffer from a typical confusion and problem in decision making, social dementia and live in their historical and cultural past and unfortunately the extinct.

Depending on this reality and population expulsion of the mentioned regions, youngsters of these societies affected by effective factors of the modern and

Industrialized societies; lack a kind of deep link with their ancient history and culture and strive to immigrate to advanced societies.

I have to mention that important economical factors, social and job security and feeling of convenience have all can be categorized among the involving factors that lead the young people to the northern countries.


City and village population's immigration , replacement, circle and movement

So then , to my option, important criteria here is Social dementia which it's symptoms are disability in decision making, living in the past, concentration on old and out dated literature, history and culture unrelated with the modern world of around and it has caused confusion among some nations and I believe this intellectual retardation and social dementia is the result of some societies progressive aging process which has made them old and leads them towards a historical decline and extinction.

I think that the principal reasons and factors of social dementia should be recognized and we have to observe if a process of the kind is on going in other societies or not.

Deep study on this issue among nations and ethnic societies of other communities should be done and a comparison between the young societies' social concerns and life styles with the modern world , may build up social dementia theory's scientific bases.

 Ethnic Genealogy and National Survival   Urmia–Iran-2000-2002

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